Investor Info
(A) Shares Certificate
Consolidation Of Folios:
- For the convenience of payment of dividend, transfer etc., it is desirable that the Shares held in different folios in the same names may be consolidated into one folio. For the purpose, it is required that all the original share certificates along with a request letter requesting for consolidation may be sent to the Registrars, MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd.
Defaced/Multilated Share Certificate:
A defaced/mutilated share certificate is not accepted as good delivery in the share market. If Your share certificate has been defaced or mutilated but material part like Share Certificate no., number of shares, signatures are intact, you may forward the certificate to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., Transfer Agents, with a letter signed by all the shareholders giving details of circumstances under which the same was defaced/mutilated.
In case the material parts are missing or totally illegible, it will be treated as a case of loss of share certificate.
Deletion/Addition Of Name:
- If the shares are held in Joint Names of two or three persons and deletion or addition in the names is required, it amounts to transfer of shares. You may send your request along with share certificate(s) and duly filled share transfer form to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., Transfer Agents, for necessary changes.
Deletion Of Name Of The Deceased Joint Holder:
- An application signed by the surviving member along with original share certificate(s) and an attested/notarised copy of death certificate issued by the competent authority may be sent to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., Transfer Agents. MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd. will take appropriate actions and return the share certificate(s) after doing the needful.
Issue Of Duplicate Share Certificate:
- Notify loss of Share Certificate to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., Transfer Agents, through letter giving details like Ledger Folio no., Share Certificate no., and number of shares etc., along with copy of FIR lodged with Police.
- MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd. will take a note of it and may decide to mark against the share certificate. They will also arrange to send a set of documents (affidavit, indemnity, surety form, and questionnaire) to be executed by the share holder(s) for obtaining the duplicate share certificate. MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., will issue duplicate Share Certificate after completion of necessary formalities.
Deletion/Addition Of Name:
- Name of the Stock Exchange if purchased through Stock Exchange
- Number of shares in figures & words
- Consideration (Market Price as on date of lodgment) in figures & words
- Share Certificate Nos. and Distinctive Nos. of shares in all the Share Certificates should be mentioned in the transfer form.
- Ledger folio of seller (transferor)
- Names of transferor(s) and their signature(s)
- Signature, name and full address of witness
- Witness should be other than transferor(s)
- Name/s of the transferee/s and their signatures
- Occupation, address of transferee and name of the Father/Husband of transferee
- If already holding shares give existing Ledger Folio Number
- Mention value of stamps affixed
- Mention date of execution on which the document has been executed and ensure that it should be later than the date mentioned in the stamp impression affixed by the Registrar of Companies.
- Mention place of signing of transfer form
- All the transferee should sign in the place provided for specimen signature
- On the back side of the transfer form write details of Power of Attorney Holder if PA is given.
- Give address on which the share certificates are to be dispatched by the Transfer Agent.
- Affix share transfer stamps (Special Adhesive) in the space provided @ 0.015% of market value of shares.
- Enclose share certificates mentioned in the transfer form and forward the same to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., for effecting transfers by Registered Post A/D or deliver at the counter at MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., by hand and obtain acknowledgement.
Non-Receipt Of Shares After Allotment:
- Ledger folio no., Allotment advice no. and number of shares allotted (enclose copy of allotment advice)
- In absence of allotment advice or Ledger Folio no., please send a copy of the acknowledgment /receipt of application made for issue of shares.
- Share Transfer Agent will advise the status of allotted shares and other details to you.
Non-Receipt Of Shares Sent For Transfer:
- Name of transferee & transferor
- Number of shares
- Share Certificate no.
- Ledger Folio no. of transferor
- Date of Lodgment
- Copy of acknowledgement received on lodgment.
Revalidation Of Share Transfer Form:
The transfer form is valid for one year or up to the date of book closure whichever is later, from the date of stamp by Registrar of Companies on the transfer form.
For revalidation of the transfer deed, a demand draft of Rs.50/- (Rupees Fifty only) per transfer deed drawn in favour of Shantai Industries Limited along with the original Share Certificate and duly filled in transfer form are to be sent to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., along with the request for revalidation in prescribed form.
Sub-Division Of Share Certificates:
If desired, share certificate can be sub-divided, subject to a minimum of 50 Shares.
You may apply for Sub-Division of Shares to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., enclosing with the share certificate, duly signed by all the shareholders.
Transposition Of Shares:
Transposition is the change in the order of the names of joint holders in the share certificate. The shareholders are required to send a request letter to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., Transfer Agents, signed by all the joint holders indicating the new/fresh order in which the names should appear in the share certificate.
The original Share Certificate along with the request letter may be forwarded to the Share Transfer Agent. Share Transfer Agent will verify the signatures of shareholders with the signatures available on record and if satisfied, accede to the request of shareholders and dispatch the Share Certificate to them at their recorded address.
Transmission Of Shares In The Event 0f Death Of The Sole Share Holder:
- Title Claim Form
- Affidavit sworn in by the claimants
- Heir ship Certificate from revenue authority if issued in a particular area/Sworn Affidavit
- No Objection Certificate from other heirs in favour of person claiming the title to shares
- Surety Form
- Indemnity
(B) Nomination Facility:
In case shares are held in a single name and the shareholder has expired, the following documents are required to be submitted by nominee(s):
- Original or certified copy of death certificate of the deceased holder.
- A letter of request from the nominee(s) duly filled in and signed.
If the shares are held in demat form furnish , the nomination has to be lodged with their Depository Participant (DP).
For your convenience, you may hold shares in joint name. The shares can be held in the names of maximum three persons.
If you are holding shares in a single name and want to add one or two names, you may send your share certificate along with duly filled in transfer form to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd. Please remember that, the maximum number of holders of shares should not exceed three.
(C) Dematerialisation Of Shares:
For Dematerialisation of shares, an account with Depository Participant (DP) is required to be opened in the style in which the shares are held.
On opening an account with Depository Participant (DP), the Share Certificate(s) along with duly filled in Demat Request Form are to be submitted to Depository Participant (DP) for dematerialisation.
Depository Participant (DP) will electronically advise Depository,
- Details of shares lodged for demat and
- Forward the Demat Request Form & Share Certificate to the Share Transfer Agents (MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd.) for cancellation of share certificates in physical form and crediting the shares with Depository Participant (DP).Forward the Demat Request Form & Share Certificate to the Share Transfer Agents (MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd.) for cancellation of share certificates in physical form and crediting the shares with Depository Participant (DP).
(D) Bonus Share:
Non-Receipt/Loss Of Bonus Share:
Write to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., under your signature, furnishing details like Ledger Folio No., Certificate. No., Number of shares, change of address, if any, and period for which Bonus Share is not received, if the shares are held in physical form.
If the shares are held in demat form furnish details like, client ID, DPID, Name of Depository Participant (DP) & Depository and period for which Bonus share is not received.
MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd. will advise you suitably in the matter.
(E) Dividend:
Non-Receipt/Loss Of Dividend Warrant:
Write to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., under your signature, furnishing details like Ledger Folio No., Certificate. No., Number of shares, change of address, if any, and period for which dividend is not received, if the shares are held in physical form.
If the shares are held in demat form furnish details like, client ID, DPID, Name of Depository Participant (DP) & Depository and period for which dividend is not received.
MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd. will advise you suitably in the matter.
Revalidation Of Dividend Warrant:
The dividend warrants not encashed within their validity period, are required to be revalidated. Dividend warrant may be sent to the MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., with a request to revalidate the same and return.
MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., will take appropriate action and advise the same.
Electronic Clearing System (ECS):
The ECS is a system through which dividend amount is credited in the bank accounts of the shareholders/investors without issuing paper instrument (Dividend Warrants). The ECS facility is at present available at Mumbai, New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore and Hyderabad. If you are a shareholder/bondholder located at these places and are interested in using this system, please adopt the procedure.
If the shares are held in physical form, please send your request to our Transfer Agents MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd. with following details.
- Your ledger folio no. /Client ID No.
- Name of the Bank & Address of the Branch where you maintain a/c.
- Your account No. in the Branch to which you want that Dividend to be credited.
- A copy of cancelled cheque of the account to which the Dividend is to be credited.
- On opting for the ECS, your account will be credited directly with the amount of Dividend/Interest as applicable.
- However, when the shares are in demat form please approach your Depository Participant (DP) for availing this facility indicating therein the details of account where the dividend/interest is to be credited.
(F) Change Of Address/Bank Mandate:
Any change in address should be communicated in writing under the signature of shareholder(s) giving the earlier and new address, Ledger Folio No., Certificate No., Number of Shares held etc. to MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd., if the shares are in physical form.
If the shares are in dematerialised form, you may write to your Depository Participant (DP) giving your client ID No. for change of address.
(G) Non-Receipt Of Annual Reports:
Write to the Company, furnishing your Ledger Folio No., address, requesting for Annual Report. If you are holding shares in demat form, furnish your Client ID, Depository Participant ID (DPID), name of the Depository Participant & Depository.
Company will arrange to send the Annual Report.
(H) Important Addresses:
- Registrar And Share Transfer Agent
- MCS Share Transfer Agent Ltd.
- 10, Aaram Apartment,
- 12, Sampatrao Colony, Alkapuri,
- Vadodara 390007
(I) Designated Officers:
- Harish Sawlani, Managing Director
- Shantai Industries limited
- 820, Golden Point, Nr. Telephone Exchange, Begampura, Falsawadi, Ring Road, Surat 395003
- Email:
- tel: +91 9726025000
(J) Investor Contact:
- Ms. Komal Sharad Agarwal
- (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)
For investor-related queries, write to us at
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